Product review time - 3D Air Mesh half pad

The Kavallerie half pad - I started looking at pads that are therapeutic and offer maximum support for the horse. My knowledge of half pads became expanded in that a new OTTB will be coming to Canter Haven Farm and he has been diagnosed with kissing spine. Thus I have been learning lots about this condition and methods on how to reduce the chances of horses developing KS.
I adore my fleece pads and have used a thin gel pad with them but after doing quite a bit of research on various pads that offer more protection, I located the Kavallerie pad. What I like about it is that it is not bulky and I can still use my fleece pads. It is lightweight and affordable. At $120 (vs other half pads that run around $250 +), I bought 2! One white and one black.
High Alert was the first to try it out as we needed to practice his flat work and pretend to be a hunter for a show. As he has a tendency to be a tense, slightly worried guy, I figured that he would also be a good test subject for the pad. I am pleased to report that he lifted his back, felt more relaxed and reached for the bit more than usual. So far so good and will be trying the pad out on another OTTB. I find this extra exciting in that I have also been practicing more long and low work with the horses. Since new guy has KS, there are methods that work to strengthen the back that can be done in hand. Long and low exercise can also be used while riding to prevent injury to the back so it has the potential to also be preventative.